
Steve and Phyllis 9th August 2021

I first met Ann (as I have always known her) on the same occasion that Ray first met her in 1970. We were in the Brownsville Jug Band and wanted to play in the folk club which was held at the Millstone in Horwich, I think during the week. The band were about to embark on our adventure to Sweden and wanted to test out our work before leaving. We gave Ann a lift home after the evening was over and she left her Scarf in the van. We did not have time to return it before we left so Ray hung on to it as it was clear that he really liked her. She was very hippy in those days with long hair and a real individual, that never changed. When we returned Ray went to seek her out, on the pretext of returning her scarf, but the real goal was Ann herself. As we all know Ray succeeded. Over the years we have been part of each others lives culminating in the present walking group which she really enjoyed particularly the flora and fauna wherever we walked. Mathew was her close allay in her life with a closeness which has manifest itself in Mathew himself. We will miss you Barbara Ann, you were much loved and will continue to be.

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